Quiz: The fundamentals of microeconomics

You are taking your quiz in the fundamentals of microeconomics. This is the way I like teaching, whatever I am currently teaching: by asking questions, working on the students’ answers, and thus developing a Socratic dialogue. It implies a special philosophy in taking this test: whilst each question of multiple choice yields one correct answer, worth one point, and two incorrect answers worth nothing at all, the final score you get is a measure of how many matters we should discuss, not how good or bad you are. I mean, yes, if you get just 3 points on the 17 possible, it could mean you really need to revise those microeconomics. Still, it is mostly about searching information and figuring out the logic of the problem attached to the given question.

This is one of the first quizzes I have prepared for the readers of Discover Social Sciences. I hope that everything works just fine, but if it doesn’t, just let me know, by email or with a comment. Basically, after you have completed the test, you should see a message that will lead you to a file with explanatory notes. Once again, if it does not happen, let me know.

Now, well, just have fun with discovering things by the means of this test. Please, subscribe to this blog and share it with your friends. Just click here to start the quiz.